I use TypeScript a lot and most clients these days want Google Analytics on their websites. Here’s a handy TypeScript class that I often use. It assumes that you have the events setup in Google Tag Manager.
class GoogleAnalyticsService {
public static trackEvent(category: string, action: string, label: string) {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof dataLayer !== 'undefined' && category) {
event: 'GAevent',
eventCategory: category.toLowerCase(),
eventAction: action.toLowerCase(),
eventLabel: label.toLowerCase()
public static trackImpression(category: string, action: string, label: string) {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof dataLayer !== 'undefined' && category) {
event: 'GAimpression',
eventCategory: category.toLowerCase(),
eventAction: action.toLowerCase(),
eventLabel: label.toLowerCase()
public static trackSocial(socialNetwork: string, socialAction: string, socialTarget: string) {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof dataLayer !== 'undefined' && socialNetwork) {
event: 'GAsocialInteraction',
socialNetwork: socialNetwork.toLowerCase(),
socialAction: socialAction.toLowerCase(),
socialTarget: socialTarget.toLowerCase()